
Dual Enrollment

Academic Affairs

Get a Jump-start on Your College Education with Dual Enrollment Courses from 51ֿ.

High school students: Get ahead in college while you are still in high school!

You can earn high school and college credits at the same time, right at your own school or on the Barry campus.

51ֿ’s Dual Enrollment Program offers students at participating high schools the opportunity to earn high school and college credits right at their own schools. Since dual enrollment credits are transferable to public colleges and universities in Florida, students will be saving time and money as well as the possibility to graduate from college early.

Contact Us

51ֿ Office of Dual Enrollment
11300 NE 2nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33161
Email: dualenrollment@barry.edu
Fax: (305) 899-3346

Whitney Watkins, Ed.D., Director
Phone: (305) 899-7861

Pauline Brown-Jones, M.S., Coordinator
Phone: (305) 899-3568

Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you love the arts, sciences, business or education, our schools and colleges offer you academic courses that will challenge you intellectually. 51ֿ course credits are transferable to public colleges or universities in Florida, saving you time and money for the future.

Mission and Purpose of the Dual Enrollment Program


Within the context of the University mission, the Dual Enrollment Program provides qualified high school students the opportunity to take college-level courses at their schools or on the 51ֿ campus. Through the Dual Enrollment Program, students can test their ability to perform at the college level and earn transferable college level credits.

Purpose of Dual Enrollment (FLDOE, 2020):

  • Enable students to earn high school and university credits simultaneously.
  • Add rigor and broaden the scope of high school curriculum.
  • Acclimate students to university level coursework and expectations.
  • Accelerate time to degree completion.
  • Increase academic performance and educational attainment.

Benefits of the Dual Enrollment Program at 51ֿ

  • class

    Learn what it is like to take a college class.

  • tutoring

    Gain access to tutoring at Barry.

    Along with library, career, and counseling services.

  • Official Transcripts

    Get an official Barry transcript.

    College credits, transferable to most universities.

  • Wallet

    Save money on college tuition.

    Potentially graduate college early.

  • search dollar sign

    Receive an annual tuition discount

    Get an annual tuition discount as an undergraduate student at Barry.

Is Dual Enrollment Right for YOU?

The Dual Enrollment program is an opportunity to take challenging courses and accelerate educational opportunities.

  • Students who successfully complete Dual Enrollment courses will save time and money toward their college degree with free tuition and textbooks.
  • Dual Enrollment courses are college courses and the amount of work necessary to succeed on them may be much greater than in high school courses.
  • Dual Enrollment courses become part of a student’s permanent college transcript and are calculated into the student’s permanent postsecondary GPA.
  • Poor performance as a dual enrollment student can ultimately impact one’s postsecondary career, including acceptance to a state university, academic standing and financial aid eligibility.
  • It is important to do well in Dual Enrollment courses to realize all the benefits of dual enrollment

Participation in the Dual Enrollment program will give students a head start in their college degree and the comfort of knowing that it will be completed in a shorter time. 51ֿ offers a wide variety of college courses that can be taken at your school or on campus. If you are interested in Dual Enrollment, reach out to your High School Liaison at your school.

Who is Eligible to Participate in Dual Enrollment?

To be eligible to participate in Dual Enrollment, students must:

  • Be enrolled in a course of study which will fulfill requirements for high school graduation.
  • Be in either 11th or 12th grade.
  • Have a 3.0 unweighted high school GPA.
  • Attend a partner high school.
  • Acquire parent/guardian and high school’s approval needed.
  • Have an approved Dual Enrollment application.
  • Have the minimum standardized college placement or readiness score according to the Florida Department of Education’s Common Placement Testing.

    • Additional minimal test scores may be required for higher level courses

Why Is it Important to Take Dual Enrollment Grades Seriously?

Dual Enrollment grades impact both your high school and college GPA.

  • Grades can affect your acceptance into colleges and universities. Some colleges and universities will consider your dual enrollment GPA in their admissions decisions.
  • Dual Enrollment grades can affect your Bright Futures Scholarship.
  • Earning less than a “C” in a dual enrollment course may cause your college/university application to be rejected or rescinded and could be cause for program dismissal.
  • Dual Enrollment grades can affect your acceptance into limited access majors and/or your admission to graduate school.
  • They remain on your college and high school transcripts forever, and cannot be forgiven on your transcripts.

To get more information about the Dual Enrollment program, read about it in our Dual Enrollment Students Handbook.

Dual Enrollment Student Handbook


  1.  – access to all student related matters
  2. Barry Student Handbook – handbook for students at 51ֿ
  3. Accessibility Services – accommodation for students with disabilities
  4. – access to the library resources
  5. or
  6. - If you wish to continue taking Barry courses after high school, you must formally apply to the university.

51ֿ through the Office of Dual Enrollment partners with public and private high schools to offer courses at the high school or on the main Barry campus. Students who enroll in the program and successfully complete the course receive college credits from 51ֿ.

Next Steps for Current Dual-Enrollment Students

Are you currently a dual enrollment student interested in starting your college experience at Barry? 

The dual enrollment program you’re in is more than just a head start –it's your gateway to a seamless college experience at 51ֿ. Now’s the time to take the next step to maximize your potential, and confidently move forward with admission to 51ֿ.

Learn More


51ֿ through the Office of Dual Enrollment partners with public and private high schools to offer courses at the high school or on the main Barry campus. Students who enroll in the program and successfully complete the course receive college credits from 51ֿ.

Role of the High School Liaison

The Office of Dual Enrollment works closely with High School Liaison, who is typically the Guidance Counselor or a representative provided by the school who oversees the program. The High School Liaison plays a critical role in creating a greater 51ֿ presence at the high school; identifying prospective instructors and students at the high school. In addition, the liaison will ensure academic consistency is aligned with 51ֿ’s policies and procedures.

Becoming an Instructor for Dual Enrollment

Courses are taught by instructors from Partner High Schools who are credentialed to teach, or by adjunct instructors who currently teaching at 51ֿ. For a high school instructor to become a dual enrollment instructor at 51ֿ, he or she need to be in compliance with the adjunct faculty credentialing requirements and SACSCOC. The dual enrollment instructor must have a master’s degree or 18 credit hours of graduate-level coursework from an accredited college or university in the field of study. Read more about the role of an instructor in the Dual Enrollment Adjunct Faculty Handbook.

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